THE ONE RING: The Lord of the Rings RPG 2nd Edition

The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying game is the second edition of the award-winning tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of The Hobbit and The...

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The One Ring - The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying game is the second edition of the award-winning tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The 352-page core features updated rules based on years of feedback, stunning new art, and a beautifully illustrated map of Middle-earth.

The game contains everything you and your friends will need to adventure in the lands of Middle-earth, including:

  • A complete set of rules for roleplaying in Middle-earth
  • Instructions for how to create your character and forge your own fellowship
  • 11 unique Cultures and 6 different Callings to choose from
  • A bestiary of enemies to face, from creeping Giant Spiders and hungry Wargs to vicious Orcs and terrifying Stone-trolls
  • Advice for telling stories that evoke the spirit and feeling of the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
  • A complete Tale of Years spanning from the death of Smaug up to the year 2065 of the Third Age

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