Saturday 8th June @10am


£22.00 per person


8h 30min

About this experience

The date is confirmed for Incom Gaming's 1st


Book the day off, sort the babysitter, bribe the Hutt's if you have too. Just make sure you are here.....


Entry is £25 (Save £3 by booking in advance)


Join us from 10am and play 5 rounds - Best of 3 
(30 Min lunch break after round 3)
+ Top cut TBC

  • Prizes awarded after round 5:

  • Weekly play booster for participation

  • Promo card for participation

  • Booster pack per win rounds 1-5

Top cut:

  • Top player - Double deck Pod + Mace Windu Promo card

  • 2nd Place - Single Deck Pod + Mace Windu Promo card

  • 3rd & 4th Place - Stoft crate + Mace Windu Promo card

  • 5th - 8th Place - TBC

This is a Premier event and will follow the Star WarsTM: Unlimited Tournament Regulations.


Deck lists must be provided on the day. Please bring 2 printed copies of your list.


Incom Gaming reserves the right to amend prizing without notice.


Incom Gaming is a Licensed venue, I.D. is required to purchase alcohol. Only snacks & beverages purchased* from Incom Gaming may be consumed on the premesis.

*Exceptions to our food & drinks policy are hot drinks from take out coffee outlets and beverages in paper cups included in meal deals from fast food outlets are allowed.


Refunds and transfers can ONLY be processed directly through us at Incom Gaming, please DO NOT buy anything through a third party as this will result in you turning up for an event without a space allocated.

Always message us directly, via Facebook, email, phone, and ask if there is any more tickets for release or a reserve list.