THE GUILD for Carnevale

THE GUILD for Carnevale

Black Lamp
The Guild own a small number of Lamps. These mystical artefacts were stolen from a Doctors shipment. They emanate a...
£8.00 £6.80
Prince's Court
This box contains a complete Guild gang. The Prince of Thieves has the finest weapons and leads his workers to...
£22.00 £18.70
This box has a complete Pulcinella gang, or is a great addition to any Guild gang. The King Pulcinella spurs...
£22.00 £18.70
Rabble Rousers
With two Recruiters to get the Citizen into a frenzy and boss around any Henchmen in your list, this box...
£22.00 £18.70
Rialto Assassin
The Rialto Assassin is one of the most powerful characters in Carnevale. While a Guild player can only field one...
£8.00 £6.60
The Guild Dice
The unsung heroes of the working people in Venice, the Guild will protect you - for a price. If you...
£8.00 £6.80
The Guild Starter Gang
The Guild are an organisation shrouded in secrecy. Existing in even more anonymity than the rest of Venice, this sprawling...
£22.00 £18.70