

Baichi lives to support the brothers. Where others may have slunk off into the night he has been steadfast in...
£8.95 £8.06
Golden Sentinels (Envoy Guards)
The Golden Sentinels are the bodyguards of the Emperor’s clan, guarding the family on their travels, in their homes and...
£7.95 £7.16
Hiret Suna
Hiretsuna is an oddity amongst the Bakemono, selected by the Council of Shadows at a young age and marked for...
£8.95 £8.06
Kami of Reflection
The Kami of Reflection is a beautiful if alien spirit. The icy tendrils that form its mortal realisation are hard...
£7.95 £7.16
Kami of Sapping Silt
The Kami of Sapping Silt is one of waters and muds. Methodical and measured, reaching out to drain those around...
£7.96 £7.16
Shenzhiqi is the youngest of the three and in honesty without his brothers he would have fallen or been captured...
£8.95 £8.06
Shuohuang is considered one of the greatest swordsmen in the empire, he has surpassed all kenjutsu masters who ever taught...
£8.95 £8.06
Taisho Tenbatsu
Kurouma Tenbatsu is a broken and twisted man. The Kurouma line was cut over a century ago, only a small...
£9.50 £8.55
The Golden Sentinel (alternative sculpt)
The Golden Sentinels are the bodyguards of the Emperor’s clan, guarding the family on their travels, in their homes and...
£8.95 £8.06
The Grey Pilgrim
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions: Minimoto Clan Prefecture of Ryu...
£7.96 £7.16
Xi’s driving motivation is to ensure her sister’s safety. Whilst she shares her sisters desire to bring the brothers to...
£8.95 £8.06
Yanjing is a formidable warrior in her own right. From a young age she had an affinity to the bow...
£8.95 £8.06
Ying-Jian is the eldest of the three brothers and naturally Shuohuang and Shenzhiqi look to him for leadership. At a...
£8.95 £8.06
Yizhi of the three sisters is a nightmare for opponents that like to plan their lines of attack, her speed...
£8.95 £8.06
Yukio Koshimori, Emperors envoy
Yukio Koshimori is one of the shrewdest, craftiest minds in the empire. Many question his recent arrival in the Jwar...
£8.95 £8.06