LARGE SHIPS for Black Seas

LARGE SHIPS for Black Seas

3rd Rates Squadron (1770 - 1830)
A 3rd rate ship, as defined by the British rating system, was a ship of the line which mounted between...
£35.50 £30.18

0 in stock

French Navy 3rd Rates of Renown
This box set outfits you with three French Navy Third-Rate-Ships-of-the-line. Building upon the superb third rate plastic sprues, the box...
£48.50 £41.23
Merchant Vessels
Merchant vessels were not designed for combat. They were slow lumbering vessels designed to have a large capacity for transporting...
£31.50 £26.78

0 in stock

Royal Navy 3rd Rates of Renown
This box set outfits you with three Royal Navy Third-Rate-Ships-of-the-line. Building upon the superb third rate plastic sprues, the box...
£48.50 £41.23

0 in stock

Spanish Navy 3rd Rates of Renown
This box set outfits you with three Spanish Navy Third-Rate-Ships-of-the-line. Building upon the superb third rate plastic sprues, the box...
£48.50 £41.23

0 in stock

USS Constitution
USS Constitution was one of six Heavy Frigates commissioned by the United States Congress in 1794 to protect American shipping...
£31.50 £26.78

2 in stock