Jung Pirates

Jung Pirates

The fury of the Chrome Sea, the shark is the apex predator beneath the waves and Arata is just as...
£9.50 £8.55
Asami, Sea Witch
She is a daughter of the waves, a sister to the sea. She speaks with mists of the waters, able...
£7.96 £7.16
Crabs of the Eastern Sea
The crabs of the Eastern Sea are proving to be an invaluable ally to the Jung. They swarm across the...
£12.95 £11.65
He is almost as good a shot as he boasts and with his two “ladies” by his side, a threat...
£7.96 £7.16
Hibiki Jung has adapted to life at sea and is the perfect pirate. He fights across decks with speed and...
£8.95 £8.06
Hideaki was always known as a bit of a melancholic soul. He has treated his sea blessing, seen as an...
£10.95 £9.86
Hitokuchi - The Great White
Hitokuchi is an apex predator and the ultimate shock trooper! Big and bulky yet uncannily fast, this razor-toothed Great White...
£12.95 £11.65
Jung Pirates Starter Set (Risen Sun)
When years passed without word of the Jung, they were considered lost, their return under the mon of the giant...
£32.00 £27.20
A life on the waves makes you hard, bodies muscled and lean, the sway of the ocean becomes as natural...
£7.96 £7.16
The Korusea make up the bulk of the veteran seaman of the Jung, skilled sailors and warriors, armed with wicked...
£7.96 £7.16
Lua, Buto Pirate
It seems that the temptation of riches and sake are not the only things that can lead the Buto to...
£10.96 £9.86
Mari Jung
Queen of Waves, Lady of the Sea, the Third Storm are all and yet just a few of her names....
£7.96 £7.16
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile...
£10.95 £9.85
Moyasu was cursed to burn forever without being consumed. She was offered respite under the ocean by the sea Kami but...
£10.95 £9.85
Ran Fujiwaro
A warrior sister of the Fujiwaro, Ran has betrayed her sisters to join with Mari Jung for reasons unknown. A...
£7.96 £7.16
Ryota the Great White
Ryota is the perfect pirate. He is a shock troop of unparalleled ability, his transformation into a Great White has...
£7.96 £7.16
From the Jwar to the Golden Sands across the Barren Sea, no more able a deckhand can be found. His...
£7.96 £7.16
A brave and able seaman, he uses his net as a barrier to defend against missiles directed at him and...
£7.96 £7.16
Temo fled first from the brutal enslavement of the Ito then from the worker camps of the Silvermoon. A resourceful...
£7.96 £7.16
There comes a time after many cycles when a Korusea has spent so long living a life on the waves...
£12.95 £11.66
Yori the Whale Hunter
The legend of Yori is known across the Jung, spread mainly by the man himself. When deep in his cups...
£7.96 £7.16
All captains must have a trusted Juhin and there is none more trusted, in any port in the Gulf of...
£7.96 £7.16