IGBB 7's - Iblitzer Bender 2024 - Xav Says… (06/06/24)

3 games of BB7's in an evening


£12.00 per person



About this experience

Iblitzer Bender ’24 -  Xav says…

Round 2 of our 5 game series at IGBB - Instead of spending their time in the sunshine with all the proper Blood Bowl stars the local dregs have instead been exploring the forgotten corners of the realm for anything that might improve their chances of picking the ball up or not rolling double skulls. We all know this is in fact impossible but we never say never at IGGB and we have made a truly game changing discovery. Someone has been toying with the very fabric of reality after the discovery of a dusty tome entitled - Xav says. This unassuming text suggests that Blood Bowl is in fact a rational game of chance and lays out in simple terms how to win the game efficiently and with minimal chance of failure. 

To this end our coaches will find themselves in possession of a mere sliver of this wisdom in the shape of a FREE REROLL with absolutely no strings attached at all. Really. We mean it…… You can use this RR once per game on any dice you can usually use a RR on that requires a D6, EXCEPT you must need a 6 for it to succeed. You didn’t think we’d make it that easy did you?

This a 3 game tournament of BB7s held at Incom Gaming, in Cheltenham.

Date: 6th June

Start: 18:00-18:30

End: 22:30 (ish)

Ticket Price: £12

Building your team:

All rules for team construction can be found on pg.91 of Death Zone 2020 edition (DZ) but below is a brief summary.

Coaches have 600k to purchase players for their team. Coaches must purchase a minimum of 7 players and can go up to a maximum of 11 players. All 27 NAF approved teams can be used.

Teams may have no more than 4 specialist players i.e. a player who is not one of the 0-12 or 0-16 options. In addition, teams may take no more than 2 of the same specialist e.g. Humans may hire 2 Blitzer, 1 Thrower and 1 Catcher for instance, but they cannot hire 4 Blitzers. Ogres, Black Orcs and Chaos teams are exempt from this rule.

You may purchase any of the inducements listed on pg.93 of DZ except mercenary players;  they are to fancy for you plebs!

Star Players & legendary coaching staff are not allowed – They are all busy sat at the bar playing with female space marines and huge rocket launchers… oh er misses!

Rerolls cost double the normal amount. For example, rerolls on an Elf Union team cost 100k.



Tier 1 teams – 0. Punishment for picking a tier 1 team, you should have taken Pro elves… - Amazons, Chaos Dwarfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarfs, Imperial Nobility, Norse, Old World Alliance, Orcs, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elfs


Tier 2 teams – 1 Normal Skill - Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elfs, Humans, Khorne, Lizardmen, Necromantic, Black Orcs, Underworld, Vampires.


Tier 3 teams – 2 Normal skills - Chaos Chosen, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann,


Tier 4 teams – 1 Double and 2 Normal Skills - Goblins, Halflings, Ogres, Snotlings, stunty Lizards, stunty Underworld. Gnomes?


There are a few skill rules to be aware of –

Leader or Pro are not allowed as a skill choice

The Desperate Measures table will not be used during this tournament

All teams reset after each match.

Players will need to be familiar with the Kick Off, Prayers to Nuffle tables which can be found in DZ pg.93-97



Games are 1 hour in length. Any games not complete at the 1 hour mark will be stopped at what ever point they are found, NO EXCEPTIONS

Registration/arrival - 6/6:30

1st game 6:45

2nd game 8:00

3rd game 9:15

Prizes and handshakes - 10:30


30pts win

10pts draw

1pt per TD (capped @3)

1pt for a Shutout

In the event of a tie we will first look at TD difference then CAS difference.

Casualties: All Crowd surfs, failed dodges and any other self inflicted idiocy will count towards the casualty count. Fouls - oh we love a foul we do, so go nuts!



Winner - £30

1st loser -£20

2nd loser - £10

Most TD’s - £10

Most CAS - £10

Wooden Spoon - Something nice to make you feel good about being so bad at Blood Bowl!

Tickets are paid for at time of booking, no refunds will be issued before event, unless a replacement player can be found.