M.E.S.B.G. Battle companies
Battle companies Wednesday's from 7pmAbout this experience
Battle companies Wednesday
Battle companies!! Whilst Chip holds that Moonstone is the greatest game of all time, and Steve holds Blood Bowl dear to his heart, it is Middle Earth and battle companies that is Will’s favourite.
Introducing a new monthly casual meet up for playing battle companies with fans of the third age, join us for a monthly Wednesday night M.E.S.B.G. at Incom Gaming.
Players may select any battle company from the battle companies rulebook to play. There is no set amount of games you have to play in a night although getting allot in will allow you to meet more people and discover the fate of your Company.
The intention is to roll these companies over to the next meet-up (but there’s nothing stopping you changing, as there is inbuilt rules to balance against larger forces) a month is plenty of time to get those new members all painted up…. Riiiiiight???…..
Players will find a wealth of terrain to pick from to perfectly represent the missions or landscape they are playing over.
Players who have never played or do not have a battle company can message ahead and one will be provided and the neccesary resources needed by us. With Will and other veterans being on sight to provide assistance with any queries with rules or company management.
*Spoilers* the results of your games will lead to a potential overall victor. Or with good turnout turn into a custom narrative campaign.