Night’s Watch for A Song of Ice and Fire

Night’s Watch for A Song of Ice and Fire

Builder Crossbowmen
The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night’s Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well...
£34.99 £31.49
Builder Scorpion Crew
Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night’s Watch look out for one-another. It doesn’t...
£34.99 £27.99
Builder Stone Thrower
In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night’s Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things...
£34.99 £31.49
Before They Are Sworn Brothers, They Are Simply Conscripts When one makes their way into the Night’s Watch, they aren’t...
£34.99 £31.49
Night's Watch Attachments 1
The Night’s Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are ever-vigilant protectors...
£34.99 £24.99

1 in stock

Night's Watch Deluxe Activation Banner
During battle, communication between a commander and their troops is extremely important. Many great battles have been won and lost...
£14.99 £13.49
NIGHT'S WATCH Faction Pack
This card pack contains version 2021 updated cards for the Night's Watch Faction in A Song of Ice and Fire:...
£19.99 £17.49
Night's Watch Heroes 1
From Castle Black, the Night’s Watch guards the formidable Wall, which is used to protect all of Westeros from the...
£34.99 £27.99
Night's Watch Heroes 2
The Night’s Watch is meant to be a solid brotherhood, one force against the dangers that lurk beyond The Wall....
£34.99 £31.49
Night's Watch Heroes 3
The Brotherhood of the Night’s Watch defends Westeros from the horrors that lay beyond The Wall. Despite being made up...
£34.99 £31.49
In the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night’s Watch tirelessly guard The Wall against...
£99.99 £84.99
Ranger Hunters
Speed is often the deciding factor in combat. The one that can get in a good, strong strike against their...
£34.99 £31.49
Ranger Trackers
The Ranger Trackers are certainly not the hardest-hitting or most heavily-armored cavalry unit in Westeros, but they are some of...
£34.99 £24.99
Ranger Vanguard
The Night’s Watch’s Rangers are adept horsemen that are able to scout quickly through areas and report back on goings-on...
£34.99 £24.99
Shadow Tower Spearmen
Everyone in Westeros knows of The Wall and the stalwart Night’s Watch that mans it. Slightly less well-known is what...
£37.99 £24.99
Sworn Brothers
In the far North, the brotherhood of the Night’s Watch keep an eye on any terrors that would assault Westeros....
£34.99 £31.49
Veterans of the Watch
Far in the north of Westeros, The Wall protects the civilized lands from the dangers that lurk beyond. Manning The...
£34.99 £24.99

2 in stock